All assignments should be submitted through the sakai.

Coding Assignments:

  Coding Assignment Download Due Date
1 Instruction Source 02/18/21
2 Instruction Source 03/03/21
3 Instruction Source 03/28/21
4 Instruction Source 04/19/21
5 Instruction Source 04/28/21
Final Instruction OCaml Python 05/12/21

Written Assignments:

  Written Assignment Time Needed Due Date
1 PDF ~1 hour 04/07/21
2 PDF ~1 hour 05/08/21

Assignment late penalties

We are flexible about submitting assignments late. Unless otherwise specified, assignments may be turned in late with the following penalties applied to the grade received:

  • 1 day late: −5%
  • 2 days late: −15%
  • 3 days late: −30%
  • 4 days late: −50%
  • > 4 days late: we probably will not grade it

Homework and programming assignments will be accepted up to 4 days late, but at a penalty. The penalty is 5% for one day late, 15% for two days late, 30% for 3 days late, and 50% for 4 days late.

Late penalties may be avoided or reduced by obtaining an extension on the assignment. However, any extensions must be approved by the instructor at least two days before the due date—last-minute extensions will not be granted except in exceptional circumstances. Extension requests should be made via email; copying all group members on the request. They should include a description of why an extension is being requested.

Academic Integrity

You’re in college; you’re expected and encouraged to discuss your work with others. That said, everything you write for this course (code, written assignments, quizzes, exams and everything else) must be your own original work.

Properly attribute any work that you use. It is part of your job as a scholar to understand what counts as plagiarism, and make sure you avoid it.