A Prolog interpreter

In this project, you will implement a Prolog interpreter in OCaml or Python.

Compile and run your code:


After downloading and unzipping the file for the final project, in your command-line window, cd into the directory which contains src. You should write your code in src/final.ml. The test-cases (also seen below) are provided in src/main.ml.

Use make to compile the code. And use ./final to excute it.


After downloading and unzipping the file for the final project, in your command-line window, cd into the directory which contains src. You should write your code in src/final.py. The test-cases (also seen below) are provided in src/main.py. Data structures are provided in src/prolog_structures.py.

Use python3 src/main.py to execute your code. Please do not use python2.


Please submit to Sakai final.ml or final.py only.

Important notes about grading:

Programs that cannot be compiled will receive an automatic zero. If you are having trouble getting your assignment to compile, please visit recitation or office hours.

  • Problem 1, Problem 2: 4 points each
  • Problem 3, Problem 4: 11 points each
  • Challenge problem: 5 points


The pseudocode of Problem 3 and 4 is given in the lecture note Control in Prolog.

Abstract Syntax Tree

To implement the abstract interpreter, we will start with the definition of prolog terms (i.e. abstract syntax tree).

OCaml Definition

In [ ]:
type term =
  | Constant of string                  (* Prolog constants, e.g., rickard, ned, robb, a, b, ... *)
  | Variable of string                  (* Prolog variables, e.g., X, Y, Z, ... *)
  | Function of string * term list      (* Prolog functions, e.g., append(X, Y, Z), father(rickard, ned), 
                                        ancestor(Z, Y), cons (H, T) abbreviated as [H|T] in SWI-Prolog, ... 
                                        The first component of Function is the name of the function, 
                                        the second component of Function is its parameters defined as a term list.*)

A Prolog program consists of clauses and goals. A clause can be either a fact or a rule.

A Prolog rule is in the shape of head :- body. For example,

ancestor(X, Y) :- father(X, Z), ancestor(Z, Y).

In the above rule (also called a clause), ancestor(X, Y) is the head of the rule, which is a Prolog Function defined in the type term above. The rule's body is a list of terms: father(X, Z) and ancestor(Z, Y). Both are Prolog Functions.

A Prolog fact is simply a Function defined in the type term. For example,

father(rickard, ned).

In the above fact (also as a clause), we say rickard is ned's father.

A Prolog goal (also called a query) is a list of Prolog Functions, which is typed as a list of terms, e.g.,

?- ancestor(rickard, robb), ancestor(X, robb).

In the above goal, we are interested in two queries: ancestor(rickard, robb) and ancestor(X, robb).

In [ ]:
type head = term           (* The head of a rule is a Prolog Function *)
type body = term list      (* The body of a rule is a list of Prolog Functions *)

type clause = Fact of head | Rule of head * body (* A rule is in the shape head :- body *)

type program = clause list (* A program consists of a list of clauses in which we have either rules or facts. *)

type goal = term list      (* A goal is a query that consists of a few functions *)

The following stringification functions should help you debug the interpreter.

In [ ]:
let rec string_of_f_list f tl =
  let _, s = List.fold_left (fun (first, s) t ->
    let prefix = if first then "" else s ^ ", " in
    false, prefix ^ (f t)) (true,"") tl

(* This function converts a Prolog term (e.g. a constant, variable or function) to a string *)
let rec string_of_term t =
  match t with
  | Constant c -> c
  | Variable v -> v
  | Function (f,tl) ->
      f ^ "(" ^ (string_of_f_list string_of_term tl) ^ ")"

(* This function converts a list of Prolog terms, separated by commas, to a string *)
let string_of_term_list fl =
  string_of_f_list string_of_term fl

(* This function converts a Prolog goal (query) to a string *)
let string_of_goal g =
  "?- " ^ (string_of_term_list g)

(* This function converts a Prolog clause (e.g. a rule or a fact) to a string *)
let string_of_clause c =
  match c with
  | Fact f -> string_of_term f ^ "."
  | Rule (h,b) -> string_of_term h ^ " :- " ^ (string_of_term_list b) ^ "."

(* This function converts a Prolog program (a list of clauses), separated by \n, to a string *)
let string_of_program p =
  let rec loop p acc =
    match p with
    | [] -> acc
    | [c] -> acc ^ (string_of_clause c)
    | c::t ->  loop t (acc ^ (string_of_clause c) ^ "\n")
  in loop p ""

Below are more helper functions for you to easily construct a Prolog program using the defined data types:

In [ ]:
let var v = Variable v          (* helper function to construct a Prolog Variable *)
let const c = Constant c        (* helper function to construct a Prolog Constant *)
let func f l = Function (f,l)   (* helper function to construct a Prolog Function *)
let fact f = Fact f             (* helper function to construct a Prolog Fact *)
let rule h b = Rule (h,b)       (* helper function to construct a Prolog Rule *)

Python Definition

The idea is similar to the OCaml definition above. Prolog abstract syntax tree is defined in src/prolog_structures.py. Also see the comment below.

Note that in the python implementation, a Rule class is used to construct both a rule and a fact. If the underlying instance is a fact, the body of the rule RuleBody owns an empty term list.

In [ ]:
(* Every clause in a prolog program is encoded as a rule
   A fact is a rule with empty body *)
class Rule:
    (* head is a function *)
    (* body is a *list* of functions (see RuleBody) *)
    def __init__(self, head, body):
        assert isinstance(body, RuleBody)
        self.head = head
        self.body = body
(* Rule body is a list of functions (terms). *)
class RuleBody:
    def __init__(self, terms):
        assert isinstance(terms, list)
        self.terms = terms

(* The super-class for all Prolog terms *)
class Term:

(* A function is, for example, father(rickard, ned). *)
class Function(Term):
    def __init__(self, relation, terms):
        self.relation = relation (* function name, e.g. father *)
        self.terms = terms       (* funcion parameters, e.g. rickard, ned *)
(* Prolog Variables, e.g. X, Y, ... *)
class Variable(Term):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
class Constant(Term):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
(* Prolog Atoms, e.g. rickard, ned, ... *)
class Atom(Constant):
    def __init__(self, value):
(* Prolog Numbers, e.g. 1, 2, ... *)
class Number(Constant):
    def __init__(self, value):


In this example, we implement the function:

occurs_check : term -> term -> bool

occurs_check v t returns true if the Prolog Variable v occurs in t. Please see the lecture note Control in Prolog to revisit the concept of occurs-check.

OCaml Implementation

In [ ]:
let rec occurs_check v t =
  match t with
  | Variable _ -> t = v
  | Constant _ -> false
  | Function (_,l) -> List.fold_left (fun acc t' -> acc || occurs_check v t') false l

Note that in this implementation, when t is a variable, we don't need to use pattern matching to deconstruct v (type term) to compare the string value of v with that of t. We can compare two Variables via structural equality, e.g. Variable "s" = Variable "s". Therefore, if t is a variable, it suffices to use t = v for equality checking (one should use = rather than == for structural equality).

Examples and test-cases.

In [ ]:
assert (occurs_check (var "X") (var "X"))
assert (not (occurs_check (var "X") (var "Y")))
assert (occurs_check (var "X") (func "f" [var "X"]))
assert (occurs_check (var "E") (func "cons" [const "a"; const "b"; var "E"]))

The last test-case above was taken from the example we used to illustrate the occurs-check problem in the lecture note Control in Prolog.

?- append([], E, [a,b | E]).

Here the occurs_check function asks whether the Variable E appears on the Function term func "cons" [const "a"; const "b"; var "E"]. The return value should be true.

Python Implementation

The idea is similar to the above OCaml implementation.

In [ ]:
def occurs_check (v : Variable, t : Term) -> bool:
    if isinstance(t, Variable):    (* If t is a Variable instance *)
        return v == t
    elif isinstance(t, Function):  (* If t is a Function instance *)
        for t in t.terms:
            if occurs_check(v, t): (* If v occurs in a function paramter *)
                return True
        return False
    return False                   (* Otherwise t is an instance of Atom or Number *)

Problem 1 (4 points)

Implement the following functions which return the variables contained in a term or a clause.

OCaml Implementation

variables_of_term      : term -> VarSet.t
variables_of_clause    : clause -> VarSet.t

The result must be saved in a data structure of type VarSet that is instantiated from OCaml Set module. The type of each element (a Prolog Variable) in the set is term as defined above (VarSet.t = term).

You may want to use VarSet.singleton t to return a singletion set containing only one element t, use VarSet.empty to construct an empty variable set, and use VarSet.union t1 t2 to merge two variable sets t1 and t2.

In [ ]:
module VarSet = Set.Make(struct type t = term let compare = Pervasives.compare end)
(* API Docs for Set : https://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Set.S.html *)

let rec variables_of_term t = 
let variables_of_clause c =

Examples and test-cases:

In [ ]:
(* The variables in a function f (X, Y, a) is [X; Y] *)
assert (VarSet.equal (variables_of_term (func "f" [var "X"; var "Y"; const "a"]))
          (VarSet.of_list [var "X"; var "Y"]))
(* The variables in a Prolog fact p (X, Y, a) is [X; Y] *)
assert (VarSet.equal (variables_of_clause (fact (func "p" [var "X"; var "Y"; const "a"])))
          (VarSet.of_list [var "X"; var "Y"]))
(* The variables in a Prolog rule p (X, Y, a) :- q (a, b, a) is [X; Y] *)
assert (VarSet.equal (variables_of_clause (rule (func "p" [var "X"; var "Y"; const "a"]) 
          [func "q" [const "a"; const "b"; const "a"]]))
          (VarSet.of_list [var "X"; var "Y"]))

Python Implementation

The idea is similar to the OCaml implementation.

def variables_of_term (t : Term) -> set :

def variables_of_clause (c : Rule) -> set :

The function should return the Variables contained in a term or a rule using Python set.

The result must be saved in a Python set. The type of each element (a Prolog Variable) in the set is Variable.

You may want to merge two python sets s1 and s2 by s1.union(s2), create a singleton set containing only one element t by set([t]), and construct an empty set by set(). Note that the union function returns a new set with elements from s_1 and s_2 and s_1 itself is unchanged.

In [ ]:
def variables_of_term (t : Term) -> set :
    (* YOUR CODE HERE *)

def variables_of_clause (c : Rule) -> set :
    (* YOUR CODE HERE *)

Problem 2 (4 points)

The goal of this problem is to implement substitution. Review the lecture note Control in Prolog to revisit the concept of substitution. For example, $\sigma = \{X/a, Y/Z, Z/f(a,b)\}$ is substitution. It is a map from variables X, Y, Z to terms a, Z, f(a,b). Given a term $E = f(X,Y,Z)$, the substitution $E\sigma$ is $f(a,Z,f(a,b))$.

OCaml Implementation

substitute_in_term : term Substitution.t -> term -> term
substitute_in_clause : term Substitution.t -> clause -> clause

where a value of type term Substitution.t is an OCaml map whose keys are of type term and values are of type term. It is a map from variables to terms.

You may want to use the Substitution.find_opt t s function. This function takes a term (that must be a variable) t and a substitution map s as input and returns None if t is not a key in the map s or otherwise returns Some t' where t' = s[t].

In [ ]:
module Substitution = Map.Make(struct type t = term let compare = Pervasives.compare end)
(* See API docs for OCaml Map: https://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Map.S.html *)

(* This funtion converts a substitution to a string (for debugging) *)
let string_of_substitution s =
  "{" ^ (
    Substitution.fold (
      fun v t s ->
        match v with
        | Variable v -> s ^ "; " ^ v ^ " -> " ^ (string_of_term t)
        | Constant _ -> assert false (* Note: substitution maps a variable to a term! *)
        | Function _ -> assert false (* Note: substitution maps a variable to a term! *)
    ) s ""
  ) ^ "}"
let rec substitute_in_term s t =
let substitute_in_clause s c =

Examples and test-cases:

In [ ]:
(* We create a substitution map s = [Y/0, X/Y] *)
let s =
  Substitution.add (var "Y") (const "0") (Substitution.add (var "X") (var "Y") Substitution.empty)

(* Function substitution - f (X, Y, a) [Y/0, X/Y] = f (Y, 0, a) *)
assert (substitute_in_term s (func "f" [var "X"; var "Y"; const "a"]) =
        func "f" [var "Y"; const "0"; const "a"])
(* Fact substitution - p (X, Y, a) [Y/0, X/Y] = p (Y, 0, a) *)
assert (substitute_in_clause s (fact (func "p" [var "X"; var "Y"; const "a"])) =
        (fact (func "p" [var "Y"; const "0"; const "a"])))
(* Given a Prolog rule, p (X, Y, a) :- q (a, b, a), after doing substitution [Y/0, X/Y], 
                we have p (Y, 0, a) :- q (a, b, a) *)
assert (substitute_in_clause s (rule (func "p" [var "X"; var "Y"; const "a"]) [func "q" [const "a"; const "b"; const "a"]]) =
        (rule (func "p" [var "Y"; const "0"; const "a"]) [func "q" [const "a"; const "b"; const "a"]]))

Python Implementation:

The idea is similiar to the OCaml implementation. You must use a Python dictionary to represent a subsititution map.

def substitute_in_term (s : dict, t : Term) -> Term

def substitute_in_clause (s : dict, c : Rule) -> Rule

The value of type dict should be a Python dictionary whose keys are of type Variable and values are of type Term. It is a map from variables to terms.

The function should return t_ obtained by applying substitution s to t.

You may want to use s.key() to retrieve the keys in a python dictionary s and use s[t] to get the value of a key t in s.

In [ ]:
def substitute_in_term (s : dict, t : Term) -> Term:
    (* YOUR CODE HERE *)

def substitute_in_clause (s : dict, c : Rule) -> Rule:
    (* YOUR CODE HERE *)

Updated April-29: Additional hint for the Python implementation of substitution:

Please implement the substitute_in_term and substitute_in_clause functions both in a functional way:

def substitute_in_term (self, s : dict, t : Term) -> Term:
    if isinstance(t, Function):
        new_terms = []
        for term in t.terms:     # Iterate  the function t's parameters
            new_terms.append ... # Add substituted term to new_terms 

        return Function(t.relation, new_terms)
    elif ...

In this code, we always create a new instance and leave the original goal, fact, or rule instances unchanged. This is important because the interpreter uses the substitution functions to freshen a rule and unify the head of a rule or a fact with a goal. If substitution is applied imperatively in place in an instance like the code below:

def substitute_in_term (self, s : dict, t: Term) -> Term:
    if isinstance(t, Function):
        for i in range(len(t.terms)): # Iterate the function's parameters
            t.terms[i] = ...          # Update a function parameter in place in t 
        return t
    elif ....

variables in the original goals, facts, or rules (e.g. t) are changed. This could unexpectedly alter the original program semantics! If we implement the substitution functions in a functional way so they always return a new clause or a new term (like the first piece of code above), the original program is preserved. In this case, the freshen function in Problem 4 always returns a new copy with no references pointing back to the original program. Renaming the rules would therefore leave the original program unchanged. In this way, the original program can be safely reused repeatedly in the while-loops of the pseudocode for Problem 4. If we don't do this and instead do something similar to the second piece of code above, we may have weird bugs in the code for Problem 4 because our rules could have accidentally become different than the original ones after a substitution.

Problem 3 (11 points)

Implementing the function:

unify : term -> term -> term Substitution.t

The function returns a unifier of the given terms. The function should raise the exception Not_unfifiable, if the given terms are not unifiable (Not_unfifiable is a declared exception in final.ml or final.py). You may find the pseudocode of unify in the lecture note Control in Prolog useful.

OCaml Implementation

Because unification is driven by subsititution, you will need to use module Substitution defined in Problem 2. (See API docs for OCaml Map: https://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Map.S.html)

You may want to use the substitute_in_term function to implement the first and second lines of the pseudocode.

You may want to use Substitution.empty for an empty subsitution map, Substitution.singleton v t for creating a new subsitution map that contains a single substitution [v/t], and Substitution.add v t s to add a new substitution [v/t] to an existing substitution map s (this function may help implement the $\cup$ operation in the pseudocode).

You may want to use Substitution.map for the $\theta$[X/Y] operation in the pseudocode. This operation applies the subsitition [X/Y] to each term in the values of the substitution map $\theta$ (the keys of the substitution map $\theta$ remain unchanged). Subsitution.map f s returns a new substitution map with the same keys as the input substitution map s, where the associated term t for each key of s has been replaced by the result of the application f t.

You may want to use List.fold_left2 to implement the fold_left function in the pseudocode (https://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/List.html).

In [ ]:
exception Not_unifiable

let unify t1 t2 = 

Examples and test-cases:

In [ ]:
(* A substitution that can unify variable X and variable Y: {X->Y} or {Y->X} *)
assert ((unify (var "X") (var "Y")) = Substitution.singleton (var "Y") (var "X") ||
          (unify (var "X") (var "Y")) = Substitution.singleton (var "X") (var "Y"))
(* A substitution that can unify variable Y and variable X: {X->Y} pr {Y->X} *)
assert ((unify (var "Y") (var "X")) = Substitution.singleton (var "X") (var "Y") ||
          (unify (var "Y") (var "X")) = Substitution.singleton (var "Y") (var "X"))
(* A substitution that can unify variable Y and variable Y: empty set *)
assert (unify (var "Y") (var "Y") = Substitution.empty)
(* A substitution that can unify constant 0 and constant 0: empty set *)
assert (unify (const "0") (const "0") = Substitution.empty)
(* A substitution that can unify constant 0 and variable Y: {Y->0} *)
assert (unify (const "0") (var "Y") = Substitution.singleton (var "Y") (const "0"))
(* Cannot unify two distinct constants *)
assert (
  match unify (const "0") (const "1") with
  | _ -> false
  | exception Not_unifiable -> true)
(* Cannot unify two functions with distinct function symbols *)
assert (
  match unify (func "f" [const "0"]) (func "g" [const "1"]) with
  | _ -> false
  | exception Not_unifiable -> true)
(* A substitution that can unify function f(X) and function f(Y): {X->Y} or {Y->X} *)
assert (unify (func "f" [var "X"]) (func "f" [var "Y"]) = Substitution.singleton (var "X") (var "Y") ||
        unify (func "f" [var "X"]) (func "f" [var "Y"]) = Substitution.singleton (var "Y") (var "X"))
In [ ]:
(* A substitution that can unify function f(X,Y,Y) and function f(Y,Z,a): {X->a;Y->a;Z->a} *)
let t1 = Function("f", [Variable "X"; Variable "Y"; Variable "Y"])
let t2 = Function("f", [Variable "Y"; Variable "Z"; Constant "a"])
let u = unify t1 t2
let _ = assert (string_of_substitution u = "{; X -> a; Y -> a; Z -> a}")

Python Implementation

The idea is similar to the above OCaml implementation. You must use a Python dictionary to represent a subsititution map.

def unify (t1: Term, t2: Term) -> dict:

The function should return a substitution map of type dict, which is a unifier of the given terms. You may find the pseudocode of unify in the lecture note Control in Prolog useful. The function should raise the exception raise Not_unfifiable () if the given terms are not unifiable.

You may want to use the substitute_in_term function to implement the first and second lines of the pseudocode.

You may want to use {} for an empty subsitution map, {v:t} for creating a new subsitution map that contains a single substitution [v/t], and s[v]=t to add a new substitution [v/t] to an existing substitution map s (this function may help implement the $\cup$ operation in the pseudocode).

You may want to use a for loop for the $\theta$[X/Y] operation in the pseudocode. This for-loop applies the subsitition [X/Y] to each term in the values of the substitution map $\theta$ (the keys of the substitution map $\theta$ remain unchanged).

In [ ]:
def unify (t1: Term, t2: Term) -> dict:
    (* YOUR CODE HERE *)

Problem 4 (11 points)

The main task of problem 4 is to implement a nondeterministic Prolog interpreter. You may follow the pseudocode Abstract interpreter in the lecture note Control in Prolog to implement the interpreter.

We first define a function freshen that, given a clause, returns a new clause where the clause variables have been renamed with fresh variables. This function will be used for the clause renaming operation in the pseudocode of nondet_query. Here is the OCaml implementation.

In [ ]:
let counter = ref 0
let fresh () =
  let c = !counter in
  counter := !counter + 1;
  Variable ("_G" ^ string_of_int c)

let freshen c =
  let vars = variables_of_clause c in
  let s = VarSet.fold (fun v s -> Substitution.add v (fresh()) s) vars Substitution.empty in
  substitute_in_clause s c

For example,

In [ ]:
let c = (rule (func "p" [var "X"; var "Y"; const "a"]) [func "q" [var "X"; const "b"; const "a"]])
(* The string representation of a rule c is p(X, Y, a) :- q(X, b, a). *)
let _ = print_endline (string_of_clause c)
(* After renaming, the string representation is p(_G0, _G1, a) :- q(_G0, b, a). 
   X is replaced by _G0 and Y is replaced by _G1. *)
let _ = print_endline (string_of_clause (freshen c))

The python implementation for freshen is given in src/final.py.

OCaml Implementation

nondet_query : clause list -> term list -> term list


  • the first argument is a program which is a list of clauses (rules and facts).
  • the second argument is a goal which is a list of terms.

The function returns a list of terms (results), which is an instance of the original goal and is a logical consequence of the program. See the tests cases below as examples.

Please follow the pseudocode, which means that you need to have two recursive functions in your implementation of nondet_query. For the goal order, choose randomly; for the rule order, choose randomly from the facts that can be unified with the chosen goal and the rules whose head can be unified with the chosen goal. You may find the function Random.int n useful. This function returns a random integer in [0, n).

In [ ]:
let nondet_query program goal = 

Examples and Test-cases:

(1) Our first example is the House Stark program (lecture note Prolog Basics).

In [ ]:
(* Define the House Stark program:

father(rickard, ned).
father(ned, robb).
ancestor(X, Y) :- father(X, Y).
ancestor(X, Y) :- father(X, Z), ancestor(Z, Y).

let ancestor x y = func "ancestor" [x;y]
let father x y = func "father" [x;y]
let father_consts x y =  father (Constant x) (Constant y)
let f1 = Fact (father_consts "rickard" "ned")
let f2 = Fact (father_consts "ned" "robb")
let r1 = Rule (ancestor (var "X") (var "Y"), [father (var "X") (var "Y")])
let r2 = Rule (ancestor (var "X") (var "Y"), [father (var "X") (var "Z"); ancestor (var "Z") (var "Y")])

let pstark = [f1;f2;r1;r2]
let _ = print_endline ("Program:\n" ^ (string_of_program pstark))

(* Define a goal (query): 

?- ancestor(rickard, robb)

The solution is the query itself.
let g = [ancestor (const "rickard") (const "robb")]
let _ = print_endline ("Goal:\n" ^ (string_of_goal g))
let g' = nondet_query pstark g
let _ = print_endline ("Solution:\n" ^ (string_of_goal g'))
let _ = assert (g' = [ancestor (const "rickard") (const "robb")])

(* Define a goal (query): 

?- ancestor(X, robb)

The solution can be either ancestor(ned, robb) or ancestor(rickard, robb)
let g = [ancestor (var "X") (const "robb")]
let _ = print_endline ("Goal:\n" ^ (string_of_goal g))
let g' = nondet_query pstark g
let _ = print_endline ("Solution:\n" ^ (string_of_goal g') ^ "\n")
let _ = assert (g' = [ancestor (const "ned") (const "robb")] ||
                g' = [ancestor (const "rickard") (const "robb")])

(2) Our second example is the list append program (lecture note Programming with Lists).

In [ ]:
(* Define the list append program:

append(nil, Q, Q).
append(cons(H, P), Q, cons(H, R)) :- append(P, Q, R).

let nil = const "nil"
let cons h t = func "cons" [h;t]
let append x y z = func "append" [x;y;z]
let c1 = fact @@ append nil (var "Q") (var "Q")
let c2 = rule (append (cons (var "H") (var "P")) (var "Q") (cons (var "H") (var "R")))
              [append (var "P") (var "Q") (var "R")]
let pappend = [c1;c2]
let _ = print_endline ("Program:\n" ^ (string_of_program pappend))

(* Define a goal (query): 

?- append(X, Y, cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))))

The solution can be any of the following four:
Solution 1: ?- append(nil, cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))), cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))))
Solution 2: ?- append(cons(1, nil), cons(2, cons(3, nil)), cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))))
Solution 3: ?- append(cons(1, cons(2, nil)), cons(3, nil), cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))))
Solution 4: ?- append(cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))), nil, cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))))
let g = [append (var "X") (var "Y") (cons (const "1") (cons (const "2") (cons (const "3") nil)))]
let _ = print_endline ("Goal:\n" ^ (string_of_goal g))
let g' = nondet_query pappend g
let _ = print_endline ("Solution:\n" ^ (string_of_goal g') ^ "\n")
let _ = assert (
g' = [append nil (cons (const "1") (cons (const "2") (cons (const "3") nil))) (cons (const "1") (cons (const "2") (cons (const "3") nil)))] ||
g' = [append (cons (const "1") nil) (cons (const "2") (cons (const "3") nil)) (cons (const "1") (cons (const "2") (cons (const "3") nil)))] ||
g' = [append (cons (const "1") (cons (const "2") nil)) (cons (const "3") nil) (cons (const "1") (cons (const "2") (cons (const "3") nil)))] ||
g' = [append (cons (const "1") (cons (const "2") (cons (const "3") nil))) nil (cons (const "1") (cons (const "2") (cons (const "3") nil)))] )

Python Implementation

def nondet_query (program : List[Rule], goal : List[Term]) -> List[Term]:


  • the first argument is a program which is a list of Rules.
  • the second argument is a goal which is a list of Terms.

The function returns a list of terms, which is an instance of the original goal and is a logical consequence of the program. See the tests cases above as examples.

Please follow the pseudocode, which means that you need to have a nested loop in your implementation of nondet_query. For the goal order, choose randomly; for the rule order, choose randomly from the facts that can be unified with the chosen goal and the rules whose head can be unified with the chosen goal. You may find the function random.randint(a, b) useful. This function returns a random integer in [a, b].

In [ ]:
def nondet_query (program : List[Rule], goal : List[Term]) -> List[Term]:
    (* YOUR CODE HERE *)

As shown in the above examples, the main problem of the non-deterministic abstract interpreter is that it cannot efficiently find all possible solutions. Let's fix this problem by implementing a deterministic abstract interpreter similar to the SWI-Prolog interpreter.

Challenge Problem (5 points, 16 lines of code)

Implementing a deterministic Prolog interpreter that suppors backtracking (recover from bad choices) and choice points (produce multiple results). Please refer to the lecture notes Programming with Lists and Control in Prolog for more details about this algorithm.

OCaml Implementation

query : clause list -> term list -> term list list


  • the first argument is a program which is a list of clauses.
  • the second argument is a goal which is a list of terms.

The function returns a list of term lists (results). Each of these results is an instance of the original goal and is a logical consequence of the program. If the given goal cannot be dervied as a logical consequence of the program, then the result is an empty list. See the tests cases below as examples.

For the goal order of the interpreter, always choose the left-most subgoal to solve. For the rule order, apply the rules in the order in which they appear in the program.

Hint: Implement a purely functional recursive solution. Backtracking and choice points naturally fall out of the implementation. The reference solution is 16 lines long.

In [ ]:
let query program goal = 

Examples and Test-cases:

(1) Our first example is the House Stark program (lecture note Prolog Basics).

In [ ]:
(* Define the same goal (query) as above: 

?- ancestor(X, robb)

The solution this time should include both ancestor(ned, robb) and ancestor(rickard, robb)
let g = [ancestor (var "X") (const "robb")]
let _ = print_endline ("Goal:\n" ^ (string_of_goal g))
let g1,g2 = match det_query pstark g with [v1;v2] -> v1,v2 | _ -> failwith "error"
let _ = print_endline ("Solution:\n" ^ (string_of_goal g1))
let _ = print_endline ("Solution:\n" ^ (string_of_goal g2) ^ "\n")
let _ = assert (g1 = [ancestor (const "ned") (const "robb")])
let _ = assert (g2 = [ancestor (const "rickard") (const "robb")])

(2) Our second example is the list append program (lecture note Programming with Lists).

In [ ]:
(* Define the same goal (query) as above: 

?- append(X, Y, cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))))

The solution this time should include all of the following four:
Solution 1: ?- append(nil, cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))), cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))))
Solution 2: ?- append(cons(1, nil), cons(2, cons(3, nil)), cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))))
Solution 3: ?- append(cons(1, cons(2, nil)), cons(3, nil), cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))))
Solution 4: ?- append(cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))), nil, cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))))
let g = [append (var "X") (var "Y") (cons (const "1") (cons (const "2") (cons (const "3") nil)))]
let _ = print_endline ("Goal:\n" ^ (string_of_goal g))
let g' = det_query pappend g
let _ = assert (List.length g' = 4)
let _ = List.iter (fun g -> print_endline ("Solution:\n" ^ (string_of_goal g))) g'

Python Implementation

def det_query (program : List[Rule], goal : List[Term]) -> List[List[Term]]:


  • the first argument is a program which is a list of Rules.
  • the second argument is a goal which is a list of Terms.

The function returns a list of term lists (results). Each of these results is an instance of the original goal and is a logical consequence of the program. If the given goal is not a logical consequence of the program, then the result is an empty list. See the tests cases above as examples.

For the goal order of the interpreter, always choose the left-most subgoal to solve. For the rule order, apply the rules in the order in which they appear in the program.

Hint: Implement a depth-first search (DFS) procedure. Backtracking and choice points naturally fall out of the routine of DFS.

In [ ]:
def det_query (program : List[Rule], goal : List[Term]) -> List[List[Term]]:
    (* YOUR CODE HERE *)