removes exactly one element X
from the list HasX
with the result list being NoX
removes exactly one element X
from the list HasX
with the result list being NoX
take([H|T],R,[H|S]) :- take(T,R,S).
Read the second clause as, "Given a list [H|T]
you can take R
from the list and leave [H|S]
if you can take R
from T
and leave S
?- take([1,2,3],1, Y).
?- take([2,3],1,X).
?- take([1,2,3],X,Y).
We can now build permutation using take.
perm(L,[H|T]) :- take(L,H,R), perm(R,T).
?- perm([1,2,3],X).
Implement a predicate checkFlag(L)
to see whether the list L
contains the colours in the right order.
checkRed([red|T]) :- checkRed(T).
checkRed([white|T]) :- checkWhite(T).
checkWhite([white|T]) :- checkWhite(T).
checkWhite([blue|T]) :- checkBlue(T).
checkBlue([blue|T]) :- checkBlue(T).
checkFlag(L) :- checkRed(L).
?- checkFlag([red,white,blue,blue]).
?- checkFlag([white,red,blue,blue]).
checkRed([red|T]) :- checkRed(T).
checkRed([white|T]) :- checkWhite(T).
checkWhite([white|T]) :- checkWhite(T).
checkWhite([blue|T]) :- checkBlue(T).
checkBlue([blue|T]) :- checkBlue(T).
checkFlag(L) :- checkRed(L).
Which one of the following queries is true?
?- checkFlag([white,blue]).
?- checkFlag([blue]).
?- checkFlag([]).
Which one of the following queries is true?
?- checkFlag([white,blue]).
true?- checkFlag([blue]).
false?- checkFlag([]).
falseHow can we prevent the first predicate from holding?
Introduce a new state chkRed2
in the transition system.
chkRed([red|T]) :- chkRed2(T).
chkRed2([red|T]) :- chkRed2(T).
chkRed2([white|T]) :- chkWhite(T).
chkWhite([white|T]) :- chkWhite(T).
chkWhite([blue|T]) :- chkBlue(T).
chkBlue([blue|T]) :- chkBlue(T).
chkFlag(L) :- chkRed(L).
?- chkFlag([white,blue]).
Using the predicate mkFlag(L,F)
which makes the flag F
from the list of colours in L
mkFlag(L,F) :- perm(L,F), chkFlag(F).
?- mkFlag([white,red,blue,blue,blue],F) {1}.
In the above, perm
is the generate and chkFlag
is the test.
We can generalise our solution to the Dutch national flag problem to sorting.
Let us define a predicate sorted(L)
which holds if L
is sorted.
sorted([A,B|T]) :- A =< B, sorted([B|T]).
?- sorted([1,2,3,4]).
?- sorted([1,3,2,4]).
Now sorting can be defined using the predicate permsort(L,SL)
, where SL
is the sorted version of L
permsort(L,SL) :- perm(L,SL), sorted(SL).
?- permsort([1,3,5,2,4,6], SL).
that given a list L
and an element X
partitions the list into two. LES
which contains elements from L
less than or equal to X
and GS
which contains elements from L
greater than X
.Let's first define a partition predicate partition(Xs,X,Ls,Rs)
that partitions elements in Xs
into Ls
and Rs
where $\forall E \in Ls. E =< X$ and $\forall E \in Rs. E > X$.
partition([X|Xs],Y,[X|Ls],Rs) :- X =< Y, partition(Xs,Y,Ls,Rs).
partition([X|Xs],Y,Ls,[X|Rs]) :- X > Y, partition(Xs,Y,Ls,Rs).
?- partition([6,5,3,2,1,0],4,X,Y).
Quicksort works by partitioning the list into two, sorting each one, and appending to get the resultant sorted list.
quicksort([H|T],SL) :-
partition(T,H,Ls,Rs), quicksort(Ls,SLs), quicksort(Rs,SRs), append(SLs,[H|SRs],SL).
?- quicksort([6,5,4,3,2,1,0],SL).
Find the assignment of N-queens on a NxN chessboard such that none of the queens threaten each other.
says that the first queen is on (1,1), second on (2,6), thrid on (3,8), forth on (4,3), fifith on (5,7), ...[1,2,3,...,N]
. Represent the positions of the queens as a permutation of [1,2,3,...,N]
says that the first queen is on (1,1), second on (2,6), thrid on (3,8), forth on (4,3), fifith on (5,7), ...[1,2,3,...,N]
. Importantly, two queens cannot be on the same row or column.
checkBoard([H|T]) :- L is H-1, R is H+1, checkRow(T,L,R), checkBoard(T).
checkRow([H|T],L,R) :- H =\= L, H =\= R, LN is L-1, RN is R+1, checkRow(T,LN,RN).
?- checkBoard([1,6,8,3,7,4,2,5]).
queens(B) :- perm([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ], B), checkBoard(B).
?- queens(B) {1}.
There are 92 solutions to 8-Queens problem. We can find them all.
?- queens(B) {92}.