OCaml Setup


Here are the packages that you are recommended to install.

We highly recommend installing the following packages.

The next sections will help guide you through installing these on different operating systems. Read the section relevant to you. Some of these steps may take a long time, be patient.

Computers are like people, each unique in its own way. These instructions may require slight (or large) modifications depending on your setup. Search engines are your friend if something goes wrong. If you are unable to install anything, please contact me or the TA as soon as possible.


First, we will install the Homebrew package manager.

Check your Ruby version with ruby -v. If it's older than 2.2.2 you'll need to install a newer version using brew install ruby.

Next, we can install some of the software through Homebrew.

The OCaml package manager needs some initial configuration.

We will install the recommended OCaml packages through OPAM.

Windows 10

Follow this link for instrunction.


These instructions will assume you have a Debian-based system. This includes distributions like Ubuntu. If you have a different distribution, use the native package manager.

We will install all the packages we need.

The OCaml package manager needs some initial configuration.

Don't forget to run the advertised eval `opam config env` to update your PATH accordingly.

Next, we will install the recommended OCaml packages through OPAM.